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Nursery Provision from September 2023

Dear Parent or Carer


Nursery Provision


Our Nursery is open from 7.30 am to 6.15 pm Monday to Friday - Term time only.


If you would like to apply for a place at our Nursery, please complete the attached  nursery request forms and return them to the school office along with your original birth certificate and proof of address.


Once we have processed these a contract will be issued with a request for documentation.


We also offer Free Funded places,  so if you are entitled to 15 or 30 free hours, you can use them all in our setting if you wish to do so.


If you wish to purchase additional hours beyond your free 15 or free 30, you will be able to request these at the time you fill in your allocation.


If you have any questions please email:


Thank  you


 Andy Blakeley

Head teacher


Nursery Application Form
