The School Library is presently being set up and we will be using the wonderful profit from the Christmas Fair 2021, to buy more books for the children to borrow.
We are using 'Libresoft' software to run the library, which is providing us with an excellent way of cataloguing the books as well as a quick and efficient way to lend out books and receive them back.
The children all have a barcode which will allow them to borrow books, but will also allow them to see the catalogue from the website.
You will be sent your child's barcode, which you will need to log into the system. After the barcode you will be prompted for your child's password.
The password will be 1495chXxYy (Xx is the first 2 letters or your child's first name and Yy the first 2 letters of your child's surname)
For example Mary Bloggs would have a barcode LL1000 and a password of 1495chMaBl
I have spoken to the company and they advise Google Chrome or any other new browser. Internet Explorer may not work.
Please see the link below for access.